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제가 대답한 원본 문장을 고쳐서 썼습니다.
1. Tell me about your favorite season and why you like it.
→ Hi, My favorite season is winter because it's snowy in Korea, and I love the snow. it's quiet, and I feel cozy, especially with the Christmas atmosphere, which is warm despite the cold weather. It's also a time when I can reflect on my year, which gives me a strange but good feeling. So, I love winter the most.
(긴 문장을 좀 더 간결하게 줄이고, 비슷한 의미를 반복하지 말고 핵심 포인트만 간단히 이야기하기)
2. Do you enjoy any specific winter activities, like skiing or building snowmen?
→ Actually, When I was young, I loved making snowmen and I enjoyed activities like sleigh. However, nowadays, I don't really enjoy outdoor activities as much.
3. Do you have any other favorite activities or hobbies that you enjoy in the winter?
→ I don't do any outdoor activities nowadays. You know, it's winter in Korea, and I enjoy having cocoa with cookies during winter seasion especially with Christmas music. I love listening to the many Christmas songs available.
4. Do you have a favorite Christmas song that you like to listen to while enjoying your cocoa?
→ There are so many Christmas songs in Korea, including K-pop. My favorite is "Santa tell me" becasue I love Ariana Grande's voice. I also enjoy "Snowman" by Sia. it's really cozy and helps me get into the Christams spirit. I love music that is calm yet festive.
(smoothing : 편안함을 주는)
5. What's your favorite weather and why?
→ I don't like rainy days because they make me feel gloomy and blue. So my favorite weather is sunny. On sunny days, I feel very happy and refreshed, it energizes me. (this makes me active, it encourages me)
6. Are there any outdoor antivities that you enjoy doing on sunny days?
→ I enjoy jogging or walking on sunny days. And I also like to visit Han's river which is Korea's big river in Seoul. There, many people ride bikes, jog, and have lunch or dinner on the grass. I love the atmosphere. it's perfect for picnicking. So I love going for picnics, walks, and jogs.
7. What is your favorite place to visit in your country?
→ It's a bit hard to choose. Last year, I went to a cafe in Seoul, possibly located in Seongsu area. I can't remember it's name, but it had a very cozy and calm atmosphere(relaxed atmosphere). - 카페 이름 아마 브루클린..
There, I could write down my thoughts about some questions and read notes left by others, which really made me reflect on my life, my future, and how I want to live moving forward. It was a really good experience.
8. Do you have any favorite hobbies or activities that help you relax and unwind?
→ To relax and unwind, I sometimes listen to music while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea. It helps me relax and I really enjoy it. Other times, I read a book with a cup of tea.
9. Do you have any favortie genres or authors when it comes to reading books?
→ I'm not sure because I'm not fond of reading in general. I mainly read self-improvement books.
10. Is there a particular area of personal growth that you find most interesting?
→ I'm interested in my field of study. For instancce, I'm majoring in semiconductors, and I find books on semiconductors or artificial intelligence. I also read books on self-esteem, time management, and mental discipline occasionally. I believe that controlling one's mindset is crucial in life.
11. Do you enjoy traveling? what is your favorite travel destination? and why?
→ I enjoy traveling. and my favorite destination was San Fransisco. I love the architecture of the buildings there. the shapes of the houses are so beautiful. I really want to live there because the city's unique landscape feels like a rollercoaster with its high and low roads. While some might find this uncomfortable, but for me, it was very fun. And I find the city to be very unique and memorable.
12. Are there any other cities or countries that you would like to visit in the future?
→ America is very big right? But I've only been to places on the West Coast. for example, LA, Las Vegas, San Fransisco. In the future, I want to visit New York and mabe Chicago. as well as countries in Europe, because I've never been there. I'd also like yo go to Australia.
13. Any other reason that you want to visit those countries?
→ Yes, because in America and in South Korea, the culture is very fast-paced, I think. People work hard and they are busy with their own lives. However, one of my friends who has been to Europe told me that life there is very cozy and relaxed. It's a slower culture, and I want to experience that. In Korea, we are always very busy. So I would like to enjoy a more laid-back atmosphere.(느긋한 분위기)
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